Scotland Aeromedical Price List
Medical Examinations
Class 1, 2 or 3 UK or EASA medicals £250 (plus additional tests if required*)
Please note that EASA medicals are currently only carried out at our AYR clinic.
UK CAA Cabin Crew medical £150
EASA cabin crew medical £200
Airside Driver Medical £150
Fitness to Fly consultation including casework £150
Cardiovascular risk assessment (Q risk) appointment including cholesterol check (required by CAA for pilots who
have treated hypertension) £80
Class 1, 2 and 3 Additional tests* (if required)
ECG £75
Audiometry £50
Haemoglobin £20
Cholesterol £20
24hour BP monitor £150
ECG reporting by cardiologist
(if required under regulatory protocol) £50
Review of reports, casework and liaison with
CAA will be charged at £100 per 30 minutes £100
Drug and Alcohol test required for every 10th EASA class 1 or 2 medical (applies to Maltese certificate holders only and this is not required for UK or other EASA states) will be charged at £50 for the initial alcohol and drug screen only. The confirmatory lab analysis of positive results will be charged at cost.
If applying for a UK CAA and EASA medical at the same time then only one set of medical charges apply, however, an additional £50 admin fee will be payable to cover the additional paperwork.
* Additional tests may be required for Class 1 and 2 medicals- please refer to the CAA validity table link below for further information.